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Excellent **

Write off up to 81%
of your unsecured debt with an IVA*

Government legislation can help you

  • Write off unsecured debts over £7,000
  • Stop interest on included debts increasing
  • Reduce payments to as little as £110 per month
  • Over 10,000 Trustpilot reviews
Check if you qualify
LockSafe, secure & confidential
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5 Stars
“Friendly, professional and very understanding.”

May not be suitable in all circumstances. Fees may apply, read here. Entering into an IVA will affect your credit rating, read here. For potential disadvantages of entering into an IVA, read here.

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5 Stars
"A fantastic service from start to finish. Highly recommend!"
Excellent 13,500+ reviews on **

Write off unsecured debts over



Interest & charges soaring

Reduce payments to as little as

£110 per month

Over 19,000

Trustpilot reviews

To find out more about managing your money and getting free advice, visit Money Helper, independent service set up to help people manage their money.

Why choose IVA Plan for help and advice?

Help when you need it

Access confidential and expert debt advice online or over the phone.

Solutions specific to you

We’ll recommend the best debt solutions for your individual circumstances.

Ongoing support

We’ll support you while you deal with your debt problems, for as long as you need.

“When I spoke to the advisor on the phone, I was stressed, but she made me feel a lot better and I didn’t feel judged, which made a huge difference. I’m now paying my debts back in an affordable way via an IVA.”

- Martin, Stockport

Get debt help now

How an IVA could help

If you're struggling with unsecured debt over £7,000 and live in England, Wales or Northern Ireland, an IVA could help.

Typically lasting for five years, an IVA uses government legislation to consolidate unsecured debt repayments into one affordable monthly amount.

What's more, an IVA will also freeze all interest and charges, stop pressure to pay what you can't afford by debt collectors or bailiffs and write off up to 81% of unsecured debt.

At the end of the IVA any remaining debt included in the arrangement will be cleared. will be cleared.

Write off most types of unsecured debt:

  • Credit Cards Credit Card
  • Loans Loans
  • Store Cards Store Cards
  • Lines of Credit Lines of Credit
  • Overdrafts Overdrafts
  • Business Debt Business Debt

Here’s an example of how an IVA can help

See how an IVA could help you with this simple example to consolidate all unsecured debts into one smaller monthly payment and write off unaffordable debt.

Let's say you owe...

Bank Loans
Gas Bills
Pay Day Loan
Debt Collection Agency
Short Term Loan
Debt Collection Agency
Council Debt
Credit Card

Total amount owed:


After an IVA

Monthly payments are based on individual financial circumstances

Example case completed in 2023. Repayment calculated using income and expenditure data. Monthly payments and write off percentages are based on individual circumstances.

Frequently Asked Questions

An IVA is a form of insolvency that allows you to write off unsecured debt and is an alternative to bankruptcy. It is available to eligible customers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
IVA Plan is a trading style of Carrington Dean Group Limited. The initial fact-finding and advice call is free. That call will explore all possible debt solutions applicable to the customer, whether these can be provided by Carrington Dean Group Limited, Creditfix (which is part of the same group) or by a third party

If you live in England, Wales or Northern Ireland, an IVA may be a suitable debt solution. An IVA will be provided by Creditfix and fees will apply.

If you live in Scotland, a Trust Deed or the Debt Arrangement Scheme may be a suitable debt solution. Trust Deeds and DAS will be provided by Carrington Dean Group Limited and fees will apply.

Yes, an IVA will have an adverse effect on your credit rating. It will also show on your credit report for six years after it has been approved.
In most cases entering an IVA won’t affect employment. However, in certain professions, such as accountants and solicitors, having an IVA may mean that you can no longer practice or you may only be able to practice under certain conditions.
Once you enter an IVA, creditors can take no further action against you and can’t contact you directly.
An IVA can be a positive way to manage unaffordable unsecured debt and allow you to better manage your monthly finances.

In an IVA a single monthly payment is agreed with your current financial situation taken into consideration – this payment is then divided between the people you owe money to. During the course of your plan all interest and fees associated with your debts are frozen.

At the end of the IVA the remaining debts included in the arrangement are written off.

It’s important to be aware of the advantages of an IVA when considering the best debt solution for your circumstances, such as:

  • All creditors are bound by your IVA once approved.
  • Creditors can’t take legal action against you in an IVA.
  • Interest and charges on your debts are frozen by law.
  • All IVA payments are based on what you can afford.
  • Your IP will distribute payment to creditors on your behalf.
  • You may get a payment break if your situation changes.
  • You won’t have to sell your home in an IVA.

When you’re considering entering an IVA, it’s important to be aware of the following:

  • If you are a homeowner and your property has equity in it, you’ll need to try to re-mortgage which could result in an increased interest rate or a 12 month extension to your arrangement if you can’t remortgage.
  • Your credit rating will be affected adversely.
  • Only the unsecured debts included in your IVA will be written off at the end of the agreement.
  • Your IVA will be recorded on a public register.
  • If your IVA fails you could be at risk of bankruptcy.
  • Your financial freedom might be restricted.
  • Your creditors need to agree to the IVA.
  • An advisor will ensure you’re aware of the advantages and disadvantages to help you make an informed decision.
We offer free debt advice tailored to your circumstances. We’ll find out more about your current financial situation and your lifestyle to advise on the best solution for you.
All of our initial advice is free; however, fees will apply should you decide to enter into an arrangement.

We operate a transparent fixed fee model, which incorporates the Nominee Fee, Supervisory Fee and all costs and expenses associated with the arrangement.

Fees will be taken from your monthly payment or asset realisations paid into your arrangement.

These will be discussed by an expert advisor to make sure you are fully aware of the costs involved.
The Insolvency Act 1986 governs personal and corporate insolvency in the UK. The act covers issues related to bankruptcy, Individual Voluntary Arrangements and all administrative orders.